Why a vanguard Brand Production Agency
calls itself MINIbar…
A MINIbar is the first thing to make you feel at home in that temporary hotel room. And everywhere you travel, it seems the MINIbar has adapted itself to its surroundings. A stop-over room close to an airport will have a fizzy drink and a cold beer in it, a five star city center plaza will offer a fine champagne and some local organic juice. Glance up at the facade of any hotel, and you can pretty much tell the contents of its MINIbar.
A MINIbar is flexible – whatever suits the room, it contains. This is how we operate: we can select from a staggering circle of pro’s and affiliates. So whatever the job is, we can do it. In the widest possible sense.
This means we can create anything. Anything? Anything! From extensive 3D IMAX theatre productions, to the grittiest 3 second smartphone AR flicks. Clearly directed projects and the magic of cooperation in fresh, uncomplicated teams. On time.
MINIbar – Premium & Personal